Bomb victims head to the polls in ambulances
NEWS DESK (DİHA) - The Diyarbakır residents wounded in a bomb attack on a Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) rally on Friday are being taken to the polls in ambulances so that they can vote.
Of the over 400 reported wounded in the bloody cluster bomb attack on Friday, hundreds are still hospitalized in the hospitals of Diyarbakır. The wounded have frequently expressed the demand that they be taken to the polls. Today, all those who are not in intensive care will be brought to the polls by ambulances.
HüseyinToprak was hospitalized with first-degree burns at the GaziYaşargil Teaching and Research Hospital in Diyarbakır's city center. He traveled to his village of Beneklitaş to vote. Because Hüseyin's hands were too damaged by burns to use the voting stamp, his brother was allowed into the cabin to help him vote.
"Everyone will call them to account at the polls for this attack on the Kurdish people," said Hüseyin as he left the voting booth.
Mehmet ŞahTangüner traveled to the nearby city of Bismil to cast his vote. He echoed the promise that the people would provide their answer to the attack at the polls.