Parti de Gauche: HDP is only party to break AKP’s hegemony

NEWS DESK (DİHA) - Parti de Gauche (Left Party), one of the largest components of the Front de Gauche (Left Front) in France, has issued a statement in support of the HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) saying that HDP’s overcoming the electoral threshold in the general elections to be held on 7 June is vital to the future of Turkey and of Rojava.
The statement of Parti de Gauche drew attention to the importance of the general elections in Turkey to be held on 7 June, stressing that the elections might open the possibility for the realisation of a democratic, social, peaceful and anti-capitalist project defending the rights of the workers and the minorities (Kurdish, Alevi people, LGBT individuals, women, etc. ) as well as promoting ecology and the protection of the environment.
The statement stressed that that project is today defended in Turkey by the HDP, which is the sole political force able to break the political hegemony of the AKP, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and its government.
The statement said: “The power in Ankara has understood this: While the AKP representatives hold offensive speeches and stigmatise the HDP as a “terrorist organisation” or as “dangerous for democracy”, they do not seek to bring to light the bombings on the HDP election offices that were carried out in Mersin and Adana on 8 May 2015”.
French Left Party also drew attention to the 10 % electoral threshold of in Turkey, calling it undemocratic and unjust, and stressed that the HDP’s having votes over the threshold will undermine the will of Erdoğan to strengthen his grip on the society by changing the Constitution towards presidential system and greater authoritarianism. The statement also said a probable victory of the AKP would be a threat to peace and exacerbate the abuses of liberties, secularism and women’s rights, adding that worse would be the continuation of the support of the AKP government to ISIS gangs to break the autonomy of Rojava, despite the failure of this strategy in Kobanê.
The statement concluded by stressing the support of the Parti de Gauche to HDP and its candidates in the elections, adding that the people of Turkey demonstrated that they would not give in to this repression as has been proved by the events of Gezi and the successful results obtained by Selahattin Demirtaş, the co-chair of the HDP in the presidential election in 2014.