Chamber of Commerce thanks to the board members
İSTANBUL (DİHA) - The chairman of Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Murat Yalçıntaş gave plaquette of success to the members of the board of the Chamber of Commerce contributing the organization to be held successfully.
Holding the usual monthly meeting of the board, the chairman Murat Yalçıntaş said in the way through the EU, Turkey needs economical developments rather than emotional steps. We will complete the accession talks with the rules we admitted 40 years ago. We will take a long trip with EU and we want to trust in our fellow, said he.
Thanking the members of the board, he said: "Our friends showed that if the private sectors, central administration and the local administrations come together there is nothing impossible. These are three parts of the triangle. No matter how difficult are the tasks, there is nothing that this community can not do if cooperates."