Actual threat in Kastamonu 2015-05-30 10:28:21 KASTAMONU (DİHA) - The racist attacks on the HDP are increasing as countdown has begun for June 7th general elections. As attacks on HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) members, supporters and election offices continue going unpunished in line with the ongoing provocative statements of the AKP officials, the party is facing further attacks in almost all cities and districts across Turkey every day. The racist attacks at the party spreaded to Kastamonu province as part of the systematic attack against the party. The attacks in Kastamonu have been spreaded by the supporters of AKP and BBP with social media, local TV and papers. 'People has no belief in AKP and MHP' HDP Kastamonu Deputy Candidate Hamza Özkan evaluated the attacks to DİHA. "We are conducting election campaign here for half and one month. We have visited shopkeepers, villages, media institutions and non-governmental organizations within this period. The residents of the city are showing interest in the HDP. People has no belief in AKP and MHP anymore as they are not caring the problems of people," Özkan said. 'Youths of Taşova don't wander without weapon!' Özkan resumed his speech, "We paid a visit to the office of Sözcü newspaper. The reporters of the paper threatened us, 'Youths of Taşova don't wander without weapon! Men are killed here in front of police headquarters!'. When we visited Eğitim-Sen (Education Union), they produced news of 'Eğitim-Sen and PKK hand in hand'. The local media is putting us at target. AKP mobilized all the foundations to inhibit our election campaign". Demand of delegation An injustice election campaign is conducted here in Kastamonu, HDP deputy candidate underlined. He concluded, "An election delegation must visit the city. I am calling on everybody to be take ownership of the polls for election safety." (nt)