Thousands of labourers go hand in hand to ask account of Soma 2014-05-25 13:54:09 İSTANBUL (DİHA) - Thousands of people in Istanbul began to march towards Kadıköy Quay Square with the placard reading "Soma is not accident, it's murdering. Subcontractor means death, ban it" for the rally being organized to ask the asscont of Soma massacre and with the demand of banning the system of subcontractor. The meeting is being organized by the Confederation of Public Workers Unions (KESK) İstanbul Branches Platform, Confederation of Revolutionary Workers Unions (DİSK) İstanbul Representative, İstanbul Doctors' Chamber, Turkey Architects and Engineers Chambers' Unity (TMMOB) İstanbul Coordination Board and unions bound to Türk-İş (Turkish-Work) and participated by thousands of workers. Thousands of workers came together at two different points and began to march towards Kadıköy Quay Square. 'End murders of subcontractor and privatization' The mass of workers often chanted the slogans of "Damn the hegemony of capital", "From Roboski to Soma, the killer is AKP" and "Soma's killer is AKP" along the march. Futhermore, the banners reading "From Roboski to Soma, the killer state will give account", "End the murders of subcontractor and privatization", "Subcontractor and slavery means death" and "Do not forget Soma" were carried in the march. Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) and Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) unity political parties and platforms, ÖDP, Halkevleri, BDSP and some other NGOs joined in the march. Some of the workers painted their faces black and worn in helmets of mineworkers. Some other citizens carried coffins. The participators are expected to make speeches. (nt)