Unemployment climbs in Turkey: 3.5 million people officially out of work in January 2010-04-15 12:15:56 ANKARA (DIHA) – Unemployment rate climbed to 14. 5 percent in January in Turkey according to Turkish Statistical Institute’s (TUIK) announcement. There are officially 3.591.000 unemployed adults living in Turkey. Population in working age is also increased. 827.000 young stepped on working age in January and become a part of huge mass jobless population in Turkey. By adding new young crowd to others the number of population in working age raised to 52.150.000 in Turkey. (By the way, Turkey’s population is 70.975.000 at the end of January, 2010.) The labor force participation rate also increased to 47.7 percent by 1.7 point improvement. 23.8 percent of employees worked in agriculture area, 20.2 percent of in industry and 5.5 of in construction while 50.5 of them found a job in service sector in January. The most important number among in this statistics is the rate of people who have not reached any kind of social security service which was 42.3 by 1.5 point increase. It means that about a half of all workers in Turkey are working without access to any social security system. (gü)